Friday, 2 September 2022

7 Voices You Hear As A Member That Show The Devil Is Now Speaking To You

Jesus said my sheep knows my voice, the voice of a stranger will they not follow?

So there is the voice of the shepherd, and there is the voice of the stranger. 

There is also the voice of the sheep.

That is the voice of your human spirit. You talking to yourself.

Now 7 Voices That Show You Are Now Hearing Directtly From The Devil

1. A voice telling you, that the reason why you are poor is because you are a member of your current church. All churches have both the rich and the poor in attendance. There are poor members in rich churches, there are also rich members in poor churches, that is the mystery of wealth. Even Jesus said the poor you will have always with you.

2. The reason why you are not married is because you are a member of your current church. All churches have mature single ladies in attendance. We have them more in bigger churches. The more the crowd, the more those groups of people.

3. The reason why you don't have children, is because you are a member of this church. It is a lie from the pit of hell. Most church Founders don't have biological children. Yet some sinners are tired of having children. Childbearing has nothing to do with the church you attend. It is God that gives children.

4. If this church is of God, Pastors will not be resigning like this. The truth is this, any church where Pastors don't resign is not of God. In the days of Jesus, we also have other people using his name to cast out demons. Even the owner of the name could not keep everyone that wants to use the name with him. People were genuinely using his name, yet not with him. Let us not talk about the disciples of John. Who left him and followed Jesus.

A church is not measured by its seating capacity, but also by its sending capacity.

5. The way this church is having financial challenges, God may not be here. Even Jesus was faced with financial challenges. How did Peter find himself in the sea? There was an embarrassing situation. And Jesus said go to the sea. The challenge will always be there, but the caller will always make a way. Until a church can say no member among us lacks anything, they have not come to the full manifestation of wealth. That is the Apostolic parameter and benchmark for judging a wealthy church in the new testament.

6. A voice telling you that, For your Pastor to fall sick, he has missed God. God must have left him. Elisha raised every dead person he prayed for. Even in his grave, he was still raising the dead that came in contact with his bones. Yet he Elisha died of sickness. Timothy had constant stomach pain. Sometimes, the anointing on the anointed is for the people he is sent to, and not for himself.

7. A voice telling you to stay without water and food for 40 days and 40 nights. Only Jesus, Moses, and Elijah have done 40 days and nights without water and food. Most Pastors have done 100 days, but they break it daily. Some have done one year fast, but they break it daily or weekly. No water, No food, cannot be 40 days. 

When we see Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, they will tell us if it was completely dry fast without water and food. Or they were drinking water. I am very sure Jesus drank water because the Bible said he was hungry after the fast, and not he was thirsty. You also know the difference hungry and thirsty. Before Answers Assembly started, I did 40 day fast in Lagos, as the Resident Pastor of Winners chapel Ogijo in ikorodu. But I was breaking it with hot Amala with assorted meat and ewedu with stew, every 10 pm daily.

As I am writing now, I have not eaten today, but my Edo black soup with Assorted meat and Plaintain flour is ready for me.

Let us not argue, please go and do 40 days without water and food. When you are through we can talk. But before you start, please google how long can a human being stay without water and food. Something will still tell you to forget google, and follow God's voice. God knows you can't do it, he won't tell you to do it.

Be blessed.

Irabor wisdom

Presiding Bishop

Answers Assembly Warri Delta State.

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