Monday 1 November 2021

7 Steps To Write A Good Gospel Song

 Actually writing good music is not easy. For it is required for you to do a ground breaking melodious arrangement in order to create or write good music. 

Gospel music is a type of music that emphasizes on God's love for us. It is different from worship music or song.  Remember John 3 verse 16. While worship song is a song that emphasizes on our love and adoration to God and His son Jesus.

What Makes A Good Gospel Song

1. The Word.

 God's love is expressed to us through His words. You can't talk about God's love without giving His words. To God, love is giving the Word (John 3:16)- The Word is the bread of Life. You need to give the word in your lyrics or lines while composing a gospel song.

2. Your Testimony. 

People need to hear the fact, not just faith alone. God's words or scriptures is faith, but your story is fact. A good example of song with a strong fact is You Saved Me by R. Kelly. I think a good gospel song would need this.

3. Holy Lyrics. 

You should avoid unholy or worldly elements in your song, it doesn't expresses love but lust. 

4. Focus. A good gospel song should not divert from one theme to something else. For such implies folly to the audience. Everything you voice out should be focused on the theme of the song.

5. The Right Voice. 

Every song has its voice need. Giving the wrong voice to a song defiles the message of that song. You might find yourself in a situation whereby you compose a song, but your voice is not right for that song. Some song might require a soprano singer. Also some song might need a bass vocalist etc. A good gospel song must feature the right voice in order to express the message of the song or part of the song clearly.

6. The Right Instrument. 

Whether being produced electronically or played with live instrument, you need to feature the right instrument for a gospel song. Each instrument is an element that signal a character or emotion or mood in your music. It's necessary you feature the right instrument. 

7. Prayer. 

Prayer should be the background of every Spirit-filled gospel song. My own definition of a good gospel song is mainly Spirit-filled. But since we cannot control the Spirit of God I decided not to include it as a physical factor determining a good gospel song. Prayer is what we can do physically, but spirit-filled is not what we can do. It's God prerogative or will. It is good we pray to invoke God's presence, so he would be the doer. You know, anything God does is perfect. 

 Now, how to write a good gospel song.

7 Steps To Write A Good Gospel Song

1. Pray for ideas. 

Songs are from melodious ideas we hear internally or unperceived utterance (we just sing). Pray for God to give you ideas or put a new song in your mouth. 

2. Be ready to use your ideas. 

Always sing on any ideas you receive even though the lyrics are meaningless. Lyrics would come later, all you want to achieve here is to catch your lines. You need those melodious lines first before crafting the wording of the song. 'Sound before song'. Your song is a melodious arrangement of sound you give words to.

3. Record your ideas.

 This is important so you won't miss those lines created. Even though the idea is meaningless record it so you can work on it later.

4. Do the writing proper. 

Don't be lazy, work on your song. muse on things to add to he wording of your song. This is where you need to be creative.

5. Stay away from overused lyrics.

 Lyrics that are overused makes you sound lazy to your audience. Lyrics  like 'You are the air I breathe', or 'You are the song I sing'. Only use them when they are extremely important for the theme of your song.

6. Stay away from too many lyrics that don't match. 

Overcrowding lyrics leaves your song meaningless. At least you should lay emphasis on repeating certain words in your song.

7. Keep off from adding what you don't know.

 If you don't know how to speak in tongues please don't add it to your song, it would send a wrong signal to your listener. 


This is what I know that could help you in writing a good gospel song. You can do your own research and add to it or write to me if you feel there's something missing, or wrong with the post. Have a great day!

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