Tuesday, 5 March 2024
Are Angels The Same As Saints?
Angels according to the book of Hebrew 1:14 are ministering spirit assigned to help those who are heirs of salvation. Meanwhile, the saints are the holy prophets and apostles that prepared the way of salvation for us. The saint also can represent the godly people who are without the guilt of sin.
Saint is a human position not a celestial office. Angel is a celestial being primarily meant to be in heaven, but the fall of Satan brought down some angels who are now demons. Angels were created spirits, according to Paul the apostle, they are ministering spirits. They are not made from the dust. They are of heaven and they are made of light. They are the stars of heaven. On the other hand, saints are earthly being, made to worship God on earth but sin brought death upon man and him would become like the angels when he dies.
Saint dies but angels don't die because they are spirits. Saints represents the church in heaven, angels represents God as in the case of the angel that came to meet Daniel in Daniel chapter 10. Also in Genesis chapter 18 and 19 angels came to meet Abraham and Lot. In Luke 1:26-38, Angel Gabriel came to minister to Mary.
Angels are the host or armies of Heaven, while saints are armies of salvation here on earth: they fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12). According to Jesus in Matthew 13:39, the angels are the laborers of the harvest. They reap the harvest while the saints are the sower. Paul said "I plant and Apollos water." (1 Corinthians 3:6). The angels draws men to salvation. They converts people to Christ. The saints only sow.
The cherubim and Seraphim represent the glory of the Lord, both angels had six wings and stand at the right and left side of throne of God. While the saints represents the glory of the church. Moses and Elijah are the two olive trees that stand at the right and at the left of Christ. They appeared to Jesus at the mount of transfiguration.
"After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus." (Matthew 17:1-3).
Angels have wings, saints don't have. The saints spiritually are olive trees and the lampstands (Revelation 12:4), but the angels are the reapers and the 7 stars.
"The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels." (Matthew 13:39).
Saturday, 12 November 2022
Two Different Times In Life
After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him. But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciples there may see the works you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.” For even his own brothers did not believe in him. Therefore Jesus told them, “My time is not yet here; for you any time will do.(John 7:1-6).
Where we spend our time is crucial to our life. Life is about times we have to dominate on earth. Remember in the book of Genesis chapter one, God gave man dominion over the earth and over every living creature within and beneath it.
When its your time you don't need to be desperate to show yourself to the world, but the world would be desperate to see your glory.
Everyone Of Us Is Born To Reign
Every man is born to reign; no one is born to be a slave. In the begining after God made man He mandated man to have dominion. As of today that mandate is still on.
Life Has Three Stages
This is actually the first stage of a mans life. Jesus at the age of 0 to 12 discovered who he was. You are born with a purpose, or, I should say, you are born for a purpose.
Discover the talent in you. Discovery means to uncover an hidden treasure or truth about your life. That's why Paul said we have this treasure in earthen vessel (2 Corinthians 4:7).
2. Development.
This is the second, but critical stage of life. Jesus developed his calling from age 12 to age 30. It is the stage of building your faith, calling, talent and career. It is the stage of learning and discipline. No great man is great overnight. Greatness takes great foundation. And according to Paul foundation can be a work you lay for others to follow (1 Corinthians 3:10-12).
Try to develop your career, calling or talent by following the right people- right people equals right foundation (also doing the right thing also equals right foundation).
So many people are building on a wrong foundation, since they follow the wrong group. At the stage when Jesus was developing his calling he did three things:
a. He was with the teachers of the law, in order to ask important questions of life, and also to learn.
b. He seek God not the crowd.c. He strived to be himself and not to be like someone else.
3. Fulfilment.
This is stage of life when one is fulfilling his calling or destiny on earth. It is the time of ones reign or dominion. Jesus at the age of 30 began to reign. .
Two Different Aspects Of Our Time
1. Time to be with men.
We focus on being with people, either physically or virtually. For a fact man is a social being and therefore loves companionship, and that was the reason God said that it is not good for man to be alone. If God hadn't created the woman there could have be only Adam in this world. God quite understands our need for companionship but that shouldnt take a whole lot of our being. Man is also a spiritual being. In fact man is first a spiritual being before a social person.
2. Time to be with God.
The time to be with God is the time to seek Him. In Matthew chapter 5 verse 1 Jesus went up to the mountain first to spend time with God before coming down to spend time with the crowd. But a lot of us wants to spend time with the crowd first and then forget God. Our problem in this world is that we forget about God. Maybe that's why the Psalmist said Blessed the Lord oh my soul and forget not His benefits (Psalm 103:2). We live our home daily without spending time with God, and when we return its the same thing. Make a decision to have a time daily with God by prayers and bible study.
What Happens WhenYou Dont Have Time For God
1. The Spirit of Fear.
2. Doubt.
When you don't spend time with God, doubt would set in. Having doubts in God shows that you're not cleared about the truth. Spending good time with God would enable you to know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.3. Stressful Life.
When you don't have time for God you labour invain, as Peter in Luke chapter 5. He toiled through the night but caught no fish. But when he spent some time with God by listening to preaching of Jesus and by believing in Jesus, he was able to suceed without any stress. All the challenges against you would overwhelm you when you don't spend time with God. Spending time with God enables God to take away your burden, pains and destroy every yoke in your life by the anionting (Isaiah 10:27).4. Affliction.
When you don't spend time with God you would be afflicted easily by the the devil and the witches and wizards. Spending time with God is a shield of faith that protects your life.Thank you for reading my post. God blesses you.
Tuesday, 13 September 2022
4 Biblical Ways to Deal With Lustful Habits
Humans find it hard to love God and their fellow man, instead they fall in love with object, and it's what is called LUST.
I John 2 :15 says 'Love not the world nor the things of the world.’ That means John the apostle was referring to man's love for objects. People value objects than human lives.
When you are in lust, your love is towards an object. You hate people who despises the object you love. You intend to use others to achieve that object. Your life depends on that object. You don't have faith in God at all. But can make people suffer because you want that object.
This world is an object world. Love has definitely become an object to man. People marry for the object of money, sex and artificial beauty.
The object world has made man to loose his kingdom to Satan. Satan's vision to turn man from God and their family to objects.
You see people smoking, drinking and gambling instead of using their resources to take care of their life and their family. They lust after such defiling objects.
Lust is the root cause of many negative habits, because such soul is drawn to objects.
A soul reflects a person. Every person is an individual and cannot be duplicated. Negative habits brings down his soul (personality). You see someone who is rich but steals from others. You might also see someone who is a pastor but fornicates or commit adultery. He or she has loved such as object, and that object is his or her lust.
How To Deal With Lustful Habit
1. Identify Your Spiritual Need.
When we don't know who we are, abuse is inevitable. Your spiritual need is your need for a guide. Your need for a master in your life. Life is like a vehicle, without a good driver there's a chance of getting into a pratfall.
You need your spiritual eyes to be open, because the spirit of lust covers ones eye with a scale. The book of Acts 9 tells us that when Ananias laid his hand on Paul, scales fell off from his eyes then he regained his sight. Paul was blinded with lust (he persecuted Christians).
David prayed in Psalms 119:18 that the Lord should open his eyes to behold the wonderous things out of the law. The Spirit guides you through the law. I want to stop smoking, fornication etc is not enough, but to be guided by God's spirit.
Desiring to quite from negative habit is not the main deal, but identifying and accepting spiritual guidance.
2. Condemn it.
When you condemn something, you condemn the doer of that thing too. One of the reason many people get entangled in bad habits is that they justify such habits. They once condemned such behaviours before (when they weren't into it). But when they became part of it, they started to justify it. Humans finds it weak to condemn what they always do.
It takes courage or zeal to actively condemn what you always do. It means you're denying yourself and such determination can bring you out of the shackles of lust.
Justifying a habit is the power of a habit.
3. Be with the Right People.
Peer influence matters alot when it comes to habit. Even the Bible says that evil communication corrupts good manners. If you want to quit negative habits, quit from negative friends or peers. They link you back to your old ways.
To be with the right people is what Paul called 'fellowship'. The right people would mould good characters in you. But the wrong fellow would mould a bad character in you.
4. Have a Prayer Routine.
Watching and praying helps to strengthen you spirit man over your fleshly desire. Your spirit man is your godly man. The man within you that is called 'conscience.’
The man within you that make you feel guilty when you hurt others. Everyone has such man within them, but they choose the corrupt man that is after pleasure, this man is the soul. The soul is a receiver. It is the man that is always in need of this or that. It is the man that is not satisfy. The spirit of man seeks after God. The soul seeks his need (the soul is selfish). The soul and the spirit of man are the seeking aspect of man.
When you keep a routine of prayer, you are dealing with the selfish or self seeking nature with the nature of God. God's nature is selfless love. With prayers the powers holding your soul would surrender.
Do not love objects than God and the people of God around you. The whole world is not enough to satisfy the soul, so no matter the sexual urge of fornication, adultery, urge of drunkenness, stealing etc. it won't satisfy your soul but draws one to death. That's why when one dies they say his soul is resting in peace. You need God's desire in your life.
Wednesday, 7 September 2022
8 Online Evangelism Ideas
Online evangelism is the latest and easiest way to win souls for Christ. Soul winning is all about reaching out and filling the hungry souls who need God's word. There are people who need God, and there are people who don't need God: evangelism is actually for those who are in need of God.
An intergral part of christianity is Evangelism. Jesus commanded us to go out into all nations to preach the gospel of peace. Now, with technology we can reach out to nearly all nations online. Gone are the days when we need to go from house to house preaching. Now we can reach out to more people from the comfort of our home with our smart devices. We can maintain a vibrant relationship or fellowship with the souls converted online.
What's Evangelism?
I define evangelism as the preaching of the coming of the kingdom of God. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached for a witness and then shall the end be.
Therefore evangelism is the spreading of the kingdom of God unto all parts of the earth. Jesus also said in Mark 16 that we should go into the world and preach the gospel- that's evangelism.
Now What's Online Evangelism?
Online Evangelism from my perspective is preaching the kingdom of God in online platforms like social media, blogs, websites and other internet programs or apps.
Online evangelism is about sharing kingdom contents, reaching out to people's needs online. Evangelism is not all about preaching, it also entails helping people who are in need. It can be, identifying people's spiritual need, like Jesus identifying the spiritual need of the woman of Samaria at the well.
8 Online Evangelism Ideas
1. Be part of the community.
Join groups in any social platforms like facebook, whatsapp group, quora space etc. In Jesus' days there weren't any social media or internet yet Jesus didn't stay in one place. He move from place to place in other to be part of the community. He went to were the fishermen were and called some of them into the kingdom. You can join a group where they share ideas or help one another like in interpreting dreams, providing solution to problems related to your experience or skill. By showing these good works online you're becoming a light to guide them into the kingdom of God. Good works speaks more. Jesus said in Matthew 5:16 that men would give glory to your father when they see your good works.
2. Be open for chats or comments.
Be ready to communicate. The gospel can't thrive when the messengers avoid communicating with people. Don't shut yourself out of one-on-one interaction with buddies online. Personal conversation has more weight to convert a soul than public discussion. Here you're actually focusing on one person.
3. Write Inspiring Blog Post.
If you can write long article or even short or medium length post, then do it timely. Let your writing be soul uplifting, encouraging and less condenming. When you write blog post frequently you're actually keeping them in habit of the Word. The word of God is a spiritual diet (Matthew 4:4). You keeping writing posts means, you keep on feeding their soul with God's word.
4. Share Christian Blog Posts.
Good things needs to be shared. Try to share inspiring post you might have written or come across with. Share them on facebook, whatsApp, twitter and others etc.
5. Create Targeted Ad campaign.
You can use this to target specific people or location. You can do this on facebook or use google adsense, youtube adsense or adword for your website. Targeted ad campaign saturates the online space with the gospel presence. If you have the means take advantage of this too.
6. Post Videos On Youtube.
Video contents are powerful since not everything can be expressed properly in letters or graphics. You can do a video message. People might be encouraged by seeing you speak God's word. But it's great if you do it regularly.
7. Share Or Do A Podcast on Audio Sites Or In Your Blog.
You can do a voice recording of youself teaching the gospel. Someone might bump into this and listen to it. Create account on Soundcloud or audiomack etc, make your podcast and post it there. If you have a blog you can also post it there too.
8. Do a Live Video.
Sometimes you need to go live. Being live suggests being alive with your message (you are for real). Now it's very easy to go live on social media like Facebook, Youtube, Zoom, Instagram, Twitter etc. Choose whichever suits you.
Dedicating Yourself To Online Evangelism
Evangelism is a long term affair, and one should keep up the fire. Online evangelism needs dedication and patience in propagating the gospel presence online.
I believe what I have written has gone a long way to helping your online evangelism journey. Thank you for reading and God blesses you.
Seven Thunder Revelation (What The Voice Of The Thunder Said in Revelation 10:1-4)
Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. 4 And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down.” (Revelation 10: 1-4)
The seven thunders represent the seven mysteries of the end time. Apostle John was about to write what the seven thunders said, but he was told not to. Being curious to know what these seven thunders said, I tried to get an insight on what it is.
Believe me, the bible is a book full of mysteries. Mysteries are hidden things or revelations to be uncovered. The sound of thunders are symbolic for God's wrath or anger as describes in Psalm 29.
Thunders are also is a symbol of war between two opposing forces or spirits. It's like a reaction between two opposing forces or spirit.
Digging Deep Into What The Seven(7) Thunder Said?
Though it was sealed by Apostle John, yet it was unveiled by Christ. Christ unveiled the mysteries of what the seven thunder said earlier in the book Revelation chapter 6 from verse 1. John's seven seals were loosed from the scroll by Christ. The scroll contains the mysteries of the end times.
While the lamb (Jesus) was loosing the seals, each of the four living creatures spoke with a voice like thunder. You see, the seals were broken by Christ, and the four living creatures spoke with voices like thunder. John had no power to loose the seals he used in sealing the scroll.
The events in the book of Revelation doesn't seems to be arranged timely. For chapter 10 preceeded chapter 6. Chapter 10 showed us when it as sealed, while chapter 6 showed us when the seals were loosed and the scroll opened by the lamb.
What the seven thunder said reflects what was revealed when Christ loosed the seven seals from the scroll or book. The living creature reflects the thunder.
I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.
3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.
5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds[a] of wheat for a day’s wages,[b] and six pounds[c] of barley for a day’s wages,[d] and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been. (Revelaton 6:1-11)
You can read my post about what the four living creature signifies on The Apocalypse The End Of The World.
Thank You.
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
How Christ's Poverty Can Be Our Riches (2 Corinthians 8:9)
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9).
The poverty of Jesus is for our redemption from the curse of the law. Under the law people were subjected to the high priest, who demanded from them excessively, leaving a heavy burden of debt with them.
The apostle Paul describes Jesus as a man of Grace, hence he was rich, but for our sake he became poor. He did that so he can connect us to Grace. Without Grace we would be under the curse of the law. The foundation is cursed by sin. Even in Psalm 11: 1 says that if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do?...
Sin brings poverty. Poverty makes hopeless. Christ came to deal with sin, the reason why many are living under the curse of the law.
What's poverty?
From my point of view, poverty is described as living under the curse of the adamic nature- the falling man. A state of falling from grace to grass is poverty. Poverty is a fall, and a continuous fall. The adamic nature is the reason for generational poverty. For generations are falling into poverty or debt. Poverty is like a pit someone foolishly gets into and then he's trapped.
The adamic nature is stratified by John in 1 John 2:15 into three (3) aspects: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
As they say, 'pride is before a fall.' For poverty is a fall or a misfortune. Pride brought the tower of Babel down to its kneels. Pride has made a lot of great men and women poor.
The lust of the flesh represents sexual immorality, drinking and vanities to please the desire of your soul. The flesh is our own soul (our reflection). When all you do is to please your soul as the rich fool in Luke 12:16-22, you would always come to poverty.
The lust of the eyes represents covetousness. Lust is a word that describes greed. Your eyes are deceptive.
There are different types of poverty.
The Different Type Of Poverty
1. Material poverty.
This is the lack of the necessary things of life on earth. It's actually the lack of money.
2. Spiritual poverty.
This is the lack of sensitivity or knowledge. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 that my people are destroyed because of the lack of knowledge. It is a state where one is foolish. Narban was foolish though he was rich materially. God said to the rich man according to Luke 12:20, "You fool". When Jesus used the word 'fool', he always reflects on being poor spiritually. Foolishness is spiritual poverty.
What's Riches?
Riches from my own perspective is being above the curse of the law. If you look at our society today, those who are on top are more unlikely to suffer material poverty. So it is spiritually too. Being at the top reflects power. Jesus came down to this world (that's the poverty he went through), so we can be raised to the top as sons and daughters of God.
Being under the curse of the law won't attract any blessing to your life. Being a follower of a pastor won't attract any blessing to your life, but being a follower of Jesus. For Jesus said in John 14:6 that he is the way the truth and the life.
Jesus came to the earth to connect us to Grace. Grace is the life of heaven where everything is provided by the power of God. Is not that we should wait for God to give us the food or money we need. It's that we should know that he has provided it and be at the right place or do the right thing we need to do to access it- that is working under Grace. You can't be stealing or being idle and claim Grace. That's disgrace!
How Christ Poverty Can Be Our Riches
1. Christ Poverty brought Grace to us.
His grace is sufficient for us as in 2 Corinthians 12: 9. When we acknowledge his presence in our life and obey his commandments he is able to provide all that we ask for or imagine by our faith. Grace works by faith in Ephesians 2: 8.
2. Christ Poverty redeemed us from the curse of the law.
Galatians 3: 13-14 states that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. The bible did not state that tithing has redeemed us from the curse of the law. It means we are free to prosper. There's nothing holding us anymore except we chose not to. It means we have the right to prosper. We have the license to prosper by God's spirit.
3. Christ Poverty made us joint heir with Him.
We are family with Jesus and such entails being a partaker of the divine inheritance of the Abraham. This implies that people from afar would bring their wealth to worship the grace of God in our life. The three wise men from the East brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to worship Jesus when he was born.
How Wealth is Made
You can read one of my post were I discussed on 3 keys of riches: Biblical prosperity, three keys of Riches.
1. Worship.
And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it (Revelation 21:23-24).
Places of worship attracts wealth, because worship draws the heart and soul of man to God. And when the heart and soul is captured ones wealth is captured as well. In same Revelation in chapter 17, it showed us a great whore: a woman one scarlet. That explains too but us that that harlot is being worshipped sexually so she attracted the wealth of Kings and great men. But this is a negative aspect.
2. Wisdom.
Solomon's wisdom attracted great Kings and queen to him, who brought their gold and treasure to offer to him. They saw how he spoke like God. Wisdom makes you look like God. So you pull the heart and soul of me.
Jabez became an honorable man, because he was mighty man of valour (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). Your strength in conquering your adversary or taking control of leadership can attract wealth too. Cowards are always poor. People are attracted to a fearless person like David who brought down the great enemy of Israel Goliath.
4. Work.
Hard work do pay in the days ahead. You can gather wealth from your work as in the life of Jacob while he took care of the flock of his uncle Laban. Don't despise little beginning.
God wants you to be rich but don't be greedy. If we are followers of Jesus, then we are Abraham children and an heir to the promised wealth. Christ Poverty is not for us to be poor, but for us to be rich. Thank you for reading.
Wednesday, 26 January 2022
7 Aspects Of The Divine Mandate
The divine mandate is the mandate of Christ ministry on earth. Christ was sent by God to fulfil the law and the prophet. So the divine mandate is the law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17). Mandate is a word that describes power to reign.
What is Divine Mandate?
According to Luke chapter 4 verse 17 to 21, divine mandate can be defined as a set of prophecies written or given concerning someone to fulfill. Or, a set of prophecies prescribed by God for someone to fulfill. The word divine connotes God’s vision- the declaration or fulfilment of God’s wisdom or will for a man.
7 Aspects of The Divine Mandate
Isaiah 61:1–3,
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
1. Healing. Healing is restoration of peace to the broken heart and sick body. Acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus with the HolyGhost and power and he went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed by the devil. The book of Isaiah 53:5 says ‘by his stripe we are healed’. That’s a prophecy concerning Christ. Healing power is a prophetic gift. When you have the gift of healing you’re going to sense the healing power presence. “And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.” (Luke 5:17).
2. Deliverance. Deliverance is freedom from captivity. Or redemption from the curse according to Galatians 4:13–14. Christ has fully redeemed us from the curse of the law, therefore we’re free indeed. Captivity is the bondage of hell and darkness. It is when the power of darkness reigns. Jesus reign over principalities and powers.
3. Preaching. Preaching is the act of proclaiming the gospel. The gospel is also the good news of God. Jesus preached the gospel. “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. ” (Matthew 11:4–5).
4. Comfort. Comfort here describes revealing the will of God to man. It’s not about being cheered up when you are in trouble, but to make you understand the trouble ahead of you. That’s how Jesus comfort people. In Revelation 2:10 Jesus said, “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Look, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison to test you, and you will suffer tribulation for ten days. Be faithful even unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. “
5. Consolation. Consolation here implies giving hope to the hopeless. Helping the poor and needy. Jesus always shows mercy on the poor and needy. He fed the five thousand in the wilderness (Mark8:19). He also admonishes us to help the poor and needy, for our reward would be great in heaven if we do so.
6. Vengeance. Vengeance is to revenge the wicked for their wickedness. Christ was always angry with the wicked, even in Mark 11:15 showed us how Christ overturned the table of the moneychangers in the temple. Jesus hates those who are not ready to repent from their wicked ways. He will judge the nation in the last day and the wicked he shall cast into the lake of fire. Jesus is Lord!
7. The Acceptable Year Of The Lord. The acceptable year of the Lord refers to the year when the HolyGhost came down to the disciples in the upper room. The word acceptable is used in several scriptures in the book of Psalm to imply holiness. Anything acceptable to the Lord is Holy. Jesus proclaimed to his disciples the acceptable year of the Lord, he told them to wait for the promise of the Father. For us today, our acceptable year is the year we were baptized in the HolyGhost. Not the baptism of water, but Christ’s baptism- the baptism of fire. In the upper room the fire came upon the disciples and it attracted the crowd drawn from all over the world who came to celebrated the Jewish feast of Pentecost. This acceptable year is a year of massive harvest to the kingdom of God. Read Acts chapter 2.
Also the book of Isaiah 2 verse 2 to 3, and Micah chapter 4 from verse 1 was a prophecy given concerning the acceptable year of the Lord (The Day of Pentecost). Funny enough, many teachers are misinterpreting that scripture which is already being fulfilled to something else.
The divine mandate are prophecies from God for a man, with a time frame set by God for its fulfilment. Everything said concerning Jesus was fulfilled. Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets by becoming the better sacrifice (fulfilling the law), and a better high priest(fulfilling the prophets) to offer that sacrifice.
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Difference Between Sin and Iniquity
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Photo credit billygraham.org |
Sin and iniquity are two things that God hates. While sin directly deals with the law, iniquity deals with the truth, the gospel. Man is cursed today because of sin and iniquity. from here I would be defining Sin and Iniquity and showing the differences between both.
What Does Sin Means in the Bible?
Sin according to 1 John 3:4 is the transgression of the law. In other words, sin is the breaking of God's commandment. God gave the Israelites ten commandments to keep or abide in, if they disobey what is written in the commandment it is referred to as sin- a transgression of the law. Transgression in the sense that you don't believe in God or deliberately testing God's patience.
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.(1 John 3:4).
What Does Iniquity Means in the Bible?
Iniquity is the act of observing lying vanity (Jonah 2:8): in other words, using lies to prosper. Jesus would say to those false prophet on that day of judgment that I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Matthew 7:23).
List of Iniquities
1. Giving out fake prophecies is iniquity.
2. Teaching a false doctrine is iniquity.
3. Making a vow that you know you will not fulfil is iniquity.
4. Accepting bribe or giving out bribe is iniquity.
5. Making false allegation against someone is iniquity.
6. Being a false witness is iniquity.
7. Passing out a false judgment is iniquity, and so on.
Types of Iniquity
1. Perversion- An act of lawlessness.
2. Betrayal- An act of Selfishness.
What's the Difference Between Sin and Iniquity?
1. Sin breaks God's law; iniquity contradicts the truth or God's word.
2. Sin is a result of the lack of knowledge, while iniquity is a result of lack of the power of God (2 Timothy 3:5).
3. Sin is Satan's will to rule man (Genesis 4:7); iniquity is man's will to rule the world.
4. The wages of sin is death, but the end of iniquity is perdition.
5. Sin is a fall from grace, while iniquity is a perversion of God's grace (Acts 13:10).
6. Sin empowers lust (fleshly desires); iniquity empowers lying.
7. Sin is an enemy of forgiveness; iniquity is an enemy of the truth.
In the end iniquity is the mastermind of sin, because it is what the devil uses to lure men into sin.
Saturday, 9 January 2021
Stopping Demonic Access
Demons are messengers of hell sent to trouble us (2 Corinthians 12:7). Witches, wizards and demons are the gates of hell contending against our glory.
Demons gain access into people's blood before they can totally destroy them. They come to steal, kill and destroy.
The blood of man is the fluid of life. It supplies life (oxygen) to the body. In the psychological and spiritual aspect, man's soul which is his achievements or history supplies light to his destiny (career or calling). This is why we often dream of our past environments. That's our soul. With it we can see the mysteries of our lives. Mysteries are prophetic.
In Genesis 4 verse 10, God says "the voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground..." God was referring to Abel's past prior to his death.
When demon access the blood of a person, they intend to pollute it. There are ways demons can have access to ones blood:
Ways Demons Can Have Access To Ones Blood
According to Paul, Satan can appear as an angel of light in order to seduce man (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Through seduction Satan gains your trust, and through your trust he gets into your blood.
We are seduced because of our love for gains, not for God. When you love God, you can't give into seduction. But when you love money, fame, power, and sex, falling into the darkness of seduction is inevitable. Through seduction Satan can destroy ones achievements. Beware: not all that glitters is gold. Not everything thing is good for you.
2. Fornication: Fornication is a huge platform where demons can get a complete hold over ones life. Fornication is a soul destroying activity. Demons exploit the root of a man through fornication. Fornication can be physical. Fornication can be spiritual. Spiritual fornication is carried out while men slept. Witches and wizard can have sex with someones spirit while they are asleep. Be careful of the kind of people deal with in your waking life.
3. Eating Food Sacrificed to Idols: Witches and wizards can give you food offered to demonic idols in their coven. When you eats such food, they use it to gain access to your blood. Also one can eat from the table of demons in dreams which can affect their life physically.
Living Under Satanic Oppression
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Photo credit: amazingfacts.org |
Every sickness and disease is either a curse from God or an oppression of the devil. Acts 10:38, tells us about how God anointed Jesus to free those who believe in Him from oppression.
Oppression is the evil planting from Satan. Or evil yokes and burdens. Satan plants a mountain of darkness and destruction in the root of every man- man's soul. Jesus explained this in Matthew 13:25,
but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.
Fighting sickness without dealing with the oppressor is futile. You should deal with the oppressor.
Who is an Oppressor ?
An oppressor is someone who puts an evil burden or yoke on your neck. He or she never wants you freed. All witches, wizards, false prophets and false Christs (wicked leaders) are oppressors. Witches and wizards are spiritual wickedness in high places, therefore we should beware...
When one is under oppression from Satan, one is under evil obssession and depression. Obssession makes one extremely possesive of something, someone or himself, so depression sets in. He or she starts loosing his or her moral and spiritual health. Depression leads to bad decision making. When ones moral and spiritual health is down, bad decision is inevitable. The moral part of us is our conscience; the spiritual part of us is our influence. Conscience has to do with the laws we believe in (as our culture).
For Us To Stop The Oppression
We need the followings in order for us to end Satanic oppression in our lives:
1. The Anointing: Anointing can mean acting the word, or the word made flesh (John 1: 14). The book of Acts of the Apostle is a book that showed us how the apostles acted the word. I believe the anointing is the Acting Word. When we act the word that God has given to us it brings deliverance from oppression. Psalm 107 verse 20 tells us that God sent forth His Word, and His Word healed them and delivered them out of their destruction. God needs those who will act His word. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2 verse 4 that the gospel he, an apostle of Christ, preaches is not with man's wisdom, but the demonstration of Spirit or the power of God.
Also Isaiah 10 verse 27 tells us that the anointing breaks every evil yoke of oppression.
2. Authority: When God speaks everything listens. Jesus spoke to the oppressing wind and the wind dies down. Authority is the right to command or demand for something. Revelation (the wisdom or laws of the Spirit) gives us authority over principalities and powers of darkness. Divine authority is revelational, while Governmental authority is constitutional.
In Matthew 10 Jesus sent the disciples to go out to preach, heal and even raise the dead based on His authority (divine authority). Divine authority is necessary for us to stop the oppression of Satan.
3. The Altar: Jezebel in 2 Kings 18 oppressed the people of Israel by forcing them to worship of Baal, her god. Thank goodness that Elijah stopped the oppression by contending with her prophets in the altar on mount Camel. An altar is a place of spiritual warfare, or worship. Elijah built an altar on the mount with twelve stones which represents the twelve tribes of Israel. While the bullock was already slaughter on the altar, Elijah prayed to God, starting with him seeing God in the light of just men- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Worship can mean, to see God in the light of just men.
Not quite long, the fire of God descended from heaven. The fire that came down on that altar ended the oppression of baal in Israel.
All the places that Jacob had encounters with God, he builds an altar there. Have a place of prayer in your life. A physical place for a altar is not necessary today, but you yourself are the altar. When you are prayerful you becomes a place where God releases His fire. That fire sets you and others free from Satanic oppression.
God loves you.
Friday, 25 December 2020
The Two Dominion
Dominion is a word that describes our right or power to subdue our environment and our enemies. From the beginning, God gave man dominion on earth over the birds, the fishes and over every creeping thing upon the earth. But man had since lost his dominion to the devil through sin. Through sin man was subdued by Satan. Satan rules the world through sin.
The most important thing in life is our dominion. Jesus came to the earth in order to restore the dominion of man. Men can't resist sin or temptation because of their weak mind (not sound mind). Weak and corrupt mind is a symbol of a lost dominion and power.
If you read the book of Genesis 6:1-8, you'll find out how the whole earth became wicked and corrupt, and no one does good in the sight of God. Satan subdued man and made man to believe in sin. Satan made man to accept the calling and culture of sin.
What is Dominion?
Dominion according to John 1 verse 12 is defined as our right to become sons of God. So, dominion is our sonship not friendship with God.
John 1 :12,
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
The book of John chapter 1 from verse 1 describes the dominion of the word of God. It makes us to know that God's word came in order to make us sons and daughters of God.
God Gave Two Dominions:
1. The Beginning Son.
2. The Begotten Son.
The Beginning Son is Adam who was created to be son of God (Luke 3:38).
The Begotten Son is Christ who is called from heaven to be son. Jesus is the firstfruit of the new creation.
Matthew 17:5-6,
While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid.
Also, Matthew 3:17,
And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
Satan is very much concerned in stealing our sonship from us. That's why he said to Jesus in Matthew chapter 4, that if you are the son of God....
Satan had successfully stolen the first dominion, and now seeking to take away sonship from Christ and his followers. As far as Satan is concerned, he sees himself as the son of God.
Job 1:7-8 says,
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
In living our dominion, we need to know the weakness of Satan. Satan fears rebuke.
Jude verse 9.