Jesus was anointed with the HolyGhost and with power and went out doing good, and he healed all that were oppressed by the devil according to Acts 10:38. To receive healing we need to know what healing is all about.
Healing is restoration of peace to the body, soul and spirit. When we are healed peace comes into us and the storm dies down, as Jesus spoke to the sea 'peace be still' in Matthew. Jesus was endued with healing power which he manifested in many sick people while he lived on earth. Every one of us has fallen ill at some point in our lives, therefore healing is paramount.
Healing power is light- prophetic. When God's spirit speaks He moves you out of the present to your divine place in the realm of the spirit. It is only possible if you believe.
To believe means, to stop your argument with God; start reasoning with God. In the book of Isaiah 1: 18-20, the LORD God said, we should stop the argument and start reasoning with Him. He owns the key to our problems in life, and if we reason with him we would have light at the end of the tunnel.
Many are not healed because Satan has blinded their mind. 2 Corinthians 4:4 tell us :
"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. "
The God of this world which is Satan knew that if we stop arguing with God, we would have the secret to come out of our plight, and so he hardens our hearts. As I mentioned in one of my post: 'Does Faith Healing Works?' Unbelief is a root cause of sickness. When we argue with facts and faith of mysteries we often finds it difficult to live healthy or to be healed when we fall ill.
Healing power gets to the root of your problem in order to restore your peace. Through the anointing(direct word of God, or the hand of God on you) the spiritual root of your problem is exposed. Most sicknesses are spiritual. While men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. Doctors and drugs can't provide a cure to all sickness, even if they do, at times such sicknesses keep resurfacing and may get worse.
How to Receive Healing
1. Believe in the Word of God- Don't argue!
2. Believe in the anointed: The anointed are the messengers of God. The prophets and apostles sent by God were anointed before they were sent out to preach. Believe in his prophet and be healed.
3. Repent from your sin: Sin connects you to the devil, which means you gets into more trouble if you live a sinful life. Read Psalms chapter 1 .
4. Forgive. When you hold grudges against people, it's difficult for God to work inside of you. God is love, so you need to let go of the past, so that God can work freely in you. You make healing hard for God by not forgiving.
5. Beware of friends of Hell: I will keep saying this, no matter how powerful you are, if you keep hanging around with Satan's children you will always be sick and afflicted. Beware of witches and wizard if you want to receive and preserve your healing.
Have a wonderful day and remain blessed.
faith , Faith Healing , Power
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