Monday 27 August 2018

The Three Levels of Success

Success is in three levels. Success is all about making history in a kingdom. The definition of success is restricted to Kingdoms. Every Kingdom has its goal, dreams and aspiration to the glory of that Kingdom. Successful people in the world are those who fit the goals and dreams of their Kingdom. The Lander  Brothers  built the first airplane. Sir Isaac Newton,  Michael Faraday,  Eistein,  to name but a few, were all successful in the science domain.   Other fields as well has great men, great business men and great artist etc.

What is Success?

From my point of view Success  is fufilling the dreams and aspiration of the kingdom you belong to. Or (personally) fufilling your dreams and aspiration in life. What drives people in life is the dream of becoming successful.

The 3 Levels of Success:

1.  The Kingdom of  this World. The world is the organisation of   human everywhere on earth. We have  the  individual unit which i call the Psychological unit of the world, as Solomon said in Ecclesiates 3: 11,

" He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end."  

Then the other unit is the ethnic unit, which is the background of our society- the differences in society like culture, language, traditions. And the last unit is the Globe or Global unit which is the spread of civilization (the coming  together of people from diverse parts of the world, where laws, faith, believe are shared worldwide).  Success in this level is subjected to the two levels  to be mentioned. That's why one can be rich, well educated and honored yet tormented or controlled by spiritual forces. As it is said: "The spiritual controls the physical." Sad that people are blind to know  this in reality. The highest place of this Kingdom is where the Beast sits, reign i.e the Throne of the Beast. As we know, America is that highest place of power here on earth. 

2. The Kingdom of Darkness.  This Kingdom according to Revelation 13:2  gives power and authority to the Beast. "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."

This Kingdom is immediate to the first Kingdom (the Kingdom of the World). This is where we have the Principalities, powers, rulers of Darkness of this World, and Spiritual Wickedness in high places.  Ephesians 6 :  12  says,

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

The high places are the covens where all of them gather. This Kingdom is responsible for the destruction of the souls of men. They capitalize in spreading deception to corrupt people toward godliness. They draw people into perdition. Don't be fooled by the wickedness and abomination that go around the earth, most of these acts like pornography, lesbianism, incest, whoredom are the culture there in the coven. These witches and wizards come to have sex with people while they are asleep. To them success is fufilling the destruction of the soul of men. You shouldn't think they are going to feel guilty about it. NO!

3. The KINGDOM OF LIGHT.  This is the master of all the Kingdoms. Whether agreed or not this kingdom remains powerful over all. John the baptist said in John 3 : 31, "He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all."  Success is this kingdom is by making disciples for God (Matthew 28:19).  Successful men in this kingdom are seen in the bible, men like Paul the apostle who wrote two-third of the books in the new testament. Men like David. Men like Abraham; the prophets, Moses who led the Israelite through the Red sea. Also we have women who were successful too, like Deborah the prophetess, Sarah, Hanah , Esther and so on.

 I Draw A Conclusion From Here           
 According to Paul's revelation in 2 Corinthans 12:1-2, he talked about been taken to the third heaven. It means there are 3 heavens. Heaven is the high place of power.
From the 3 Kingdoms We have 3 Heavens that brings laws to inspire the success of their Kingdom:

1. The First Heaven- The Throne of the Beast
2. The Second Heaven- The Throne of  the Dragon
 3. The Third Heaven- The Throne of Grace (God's  throne).

This article was written by Jeremiah Ogedegbe.

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