Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Finding Your Key In Dream
Key physically represents a personal tool to open and close a door. Logically, a key is a code to access, or log into a file or database.
Spiritually it speaks of right. Rights are privileges due to someone because of his or her background or position. Finding your key in dream might mean loosing your right, position or power. It means you're under strange influence and powers. Strange forces have taken control over an aspect of your life.
Also finding your key shows your life is vulnerable to attack, since your key is for security. Your secret information is vulnerable, hence the dreamer needs to be security conscious. If you were able to find your key in dream, then you have regained your freedom or right from the enemy.
Why Do People Dream About Loosing Their Key?
1. They are Vulnerable.
Our subconscious mind tends to warn us of vulnerability. Maybe we are too open to people (who knows some might have bad intention towards us). We need to watch for our loopholes and ensure we secure ourselves properly.
2. An Enemy is Close.
The reason for such dream might be that a fraudster, thief, or an intruder is close to you. Our subconscious mind is sensitive, hence detect things that are around that we are not aware to us.
3. Insecure Feeling.
If you're an insecure person, this can trigger such dream. Insecure people are always suspicious of everyone around them. They compete with everyone; even those suppose to complement. With this dream their subconscious mind is reflecting their feelings or behavior.
4. Demonic Manipulation.
Recurring dreams about loosing your key can be a result of demonic manipulation. It means whenever you got an opportunity you loose it for no obvious reason. It is a situation of being stranded in life. This dream can be a mystery for demons to steal from you.
5. Abusive Relationship.
Loosing your key in dream can also be a result of an abusive relationship: a relationship that takes away your right or freedom, and keep you in bondage. Hence your subconscious mind might be reflecting on your relationship with such dream.
Someone Gave Me A Key In Dream
This connote the following:
1. If you are a lady in search of a life partner, then it means having a husband. It is the right or mandate from God for every woman to find her life partner.
2. If you are a student it means getting an admission, or passing an exam.
3. If you are a business person, it means success in business- open doors (favor).
4. If you are looking for an apartment or house to live in, it means getting one.
5. If your father gave you key in dream, it means wealth. That's the Abrahamic blessing (the blessing of Father).
6. If your mother gave you key in dream, it means finding a wife.
7. If your wife gave you key in dream, it suggests a divorce ahead.
Monday, 26 February 2024
Satan Wanted Jesus To Commit Suicide
Jesus was tempted by the devil on every aspect. The cross is a symbol of the sin of mankind. Jesus didn't sin, his accusation was as a result of being the redeemer or savior of the world.
Suicide is not only about physically taking your own life, but also praying for God to take your life. The prophet Jonah did that. Also the great prophet Elijah did same too when he was faced with persecution from Jezebel. Samson prayed himself to death. God hates suicide even though he granted the wish of Samson.
Judas Iscariot who represented the devil wished Jesus to commit suicide either physically or spiritually (praying for God to take his life). At the end he was humiliated: Judas committed suicide.
Sometimes when we get frustrated with life we resort into praying God to take our life as a way to have peace. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The devil knows that if you persist you would prevail, so he sows the seed of death in your mind.
The bible in Proverbs 18:21 says, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue." No matter how frustrated you are, your tongue should be guided properly. Satan is after the Word and your word.
How Satan Tried To Make Jesus Commit Suicide
1. Betrayal.
Betrayal is working against someone you suppose to work for. The betrayal Judas heart was poisoned with filthy lucre. He helped the enemies against his master.
Being betrayed can make one to hate life, and to take his life.
2. Denial.
Peter denied Jesus thrice. Denial suggests not identifying or allowing a person because of fear, trust or shame. Denial can weigh one down in life. It looks as if you are worthless when you're being denied. this can lead to suicidal thoughts. A lot of people have being denied their right and then some resort to suicide as a solution to their pain.
3. Suffering.
Suffering can make one to conclude on ending his life. If one lacks endurance, he might give up on himself and resort to suicide as solution to his suffering. There are bad times and there are good times in life. Jesus endured the humiliating period.
How Jesus Overcome Suicide
1. Predictions.
Jesus always know the outcome of things and circumstances surrounding him. He knew all his disciples, and detected Judas as a devil incarnate. He also predicted Peter's denial which was as a result of Peter's fear.
2. He Watched and Prayed.
Jesus watched and prayed in order to guard himself against the device of the devil in manipulating the wisdom or word of God. Satan can manipulate the wisdom of God and confuse us about the will of God. He said to Jesus according to Matthew 4:6 " 'If you are the Son of God,' he said, 'throw yourself down. For it is written: He will command his angels concerning you and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone' ".
3. He Believed in Himself.
Job said there is hope for tree as far it still has root (Job 14:7). Jesus believed in himself and refused to give up.
What It Means To Dream About Foreign Money
Money is a medium of exchange for goods and services or the payment of debts. Without money business would be difficult to transact as we would resort into trade by barter.
Money spiritually reflects business ideas or talents that could attract wealth. Money is attraction or favor. There are good money and there are also bad money.
Money can be a symbol of possession, since we buy things with money. An enemy or evil being can buy a soul with money. People are easily persuaded or influenced with money. Money keeps the world moving.
Dreaming About Foreign Money
Foreign money is a money that you can only use in the foreign country that produces such money. Foreign money is not money designed for domestic use. You have to travel to that country in order to use it.
In the dream world foreign money connotes getting patronage and support from foreigners. Or, your talent or business would thrive better in a foreign land, maybe that's why you always dream of receiving foreign money.
Foreign money speaks of money that's restricted to that foreign country. It can't be use for any transaction in another country, except it's internationally accepted like the US Dollar.
Biblical Meaning of Money In Dreams
The bible interprets money as material gain that can steal our love for God. 1 Timothy 6:18 says "The love of money is the root of evil." Also the bible sees money as an earthly treasure for the perfection of the earthly kingdom and beauty of man (Matthew 6:29).
Man's love and loyalty is rooted to money. Man's happiness is rooted to money. Man's respect is tied to money. Man's faithfulness is also tied to money. Therefore Satan has weaponized money for the fall of man.
Frequent dreams about money when interpreted from biblical perspective intend to make the dreamer wary of the false god called, Money.
Begging For Money In Dreams
Begging is an act of persuading someone to take pity on you. When someone beg for money in a dream it suggests an extreme poverty in the life of the dreamer. It can be financial poverty or finding yourself in an hopeless situation.
When You Tear Money In Dream
Tearing money in dreams suggests waste of resources or anger that can lead to the loss of life or the destruction of property.
Money can be symbolic for the life of someone too, since money usually contain the picture of an icon.
Receiving Fake Money In Dream
When you receive fake money in a dream, it speaks of dealing with fraudsters. It means being defrauded- the dreamer has to be careful his or her dealings.
When You Give Money To A Dead Person in Dream
Giving money to a dead person in a dream can suggest poverty, or even death especially when the amount of money given is equal to the age of the dreamer, or a loved one. Dead spirits come to people through dreams to harass them sexually and to steal from them. It's not a good dream.
Receiving Money From A Dead Person In Dream
This suggests financial recovery, or recovery of health. What is lost is restored.
Foreign money in dreams can be looked at from different perspectives. You can give your own meaning to it, as there is not one meaning to a dream, it depends on the dreamer. Thank you and God bless.
Friday, 16 February 2024
Ways to Overcome Difficulties In Prayer
According to Luke chapter 18 verse 1, Jesus said: "to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1). Prayer is a task given to man by Christ for the salvation of our soul. When you pray, you're not only communicating to God, but also destroying the works of darkness in and around you. But sometimes we feel so heavy to pray (we faint).
We ought to pray. 'Men' as used by Jesus represent also women. 'Men' here speaks of strength and power irrespective of gender. There are difficulties in prayers which I'm going to show you why and how to overcome such difficulties.
Why Do I Find It Difficult To Pray
1. You Pray Alone.
Praying alone only can weaken ones strength of prayer. Even Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes said that two are better than one. When one is weak, the other is strengthens him or her.
Jesus himself sometimes took three of his disciple to join him in his secret place of prayer. Even the apostles according to the book of Acts usually gather to pray.
Paul and Silas prayed in the prison, but alone was Peter sleeping in the prison. Praying together is a combination of spiritual power to the pulling down of stronghold of darkness.
The temptation against prayers is strong when you are alone. But when you have someone who has the spirit of prayer, your prayer life would be energized.
2. You Know Not Scripture Or the Power of God (Matthew 22:29).
Not knowing the scripture can make you stranded in the place of prayer. Prayer is inspired by the scripture or the power of God. The scripture here is the revelation of God's message in the book called bible, while the power of God represents prophetic utterance by the Spirit. Or being guided by the Spirit. The Spirit is the power of God, the will of God. If we study the scripture we would be filled with knowledge of God.
3. You Indulge In Sexual Sin.
Sexual sin drains every spiritual strength in you. According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:18 stated that sexual sin is a sin against the body. That means, it's a sin that dispossess you of every spiritual power, and you become weak in prayer.
4. You Love Money.
The love of money is the root of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). When you love money, you hate God. Jesus said you can't love God and Mammon, it's either you love and hate the other (Matthew 6:24).
Mammon becomes your master, and you're his slave. You find prayer difficult because you believe in money. You now live for money, therefore prayer looks like a waste of time.
5. You Are Too Busy With Work.
Too much work can make you weak in prayer and probably give room to the devil for attack against you. This can have a long term effect on your prayer life.
You hear some employers say that their business cannot sleep: meaning workers need to work 7 days a week, no resting day- coming early to work and closing late.
It is the devil's snare for you to depend on such slavery instead on God. Create time for yourself to pray and rest.