Saturday 12 November 2022

Two Different Times In Life


After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him. But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near,  Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciples there may see the works you do.  No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.”  For even his own brothers did not believe in him. Therefore Jesus told them, My time is not yet here; for you any time will do. 
(John 7:1-6).

Where we spend our time is crucial to our life. Life is about times we have to dominate on earth. Remember in the book of Genesis chapter one, God gave man dominion over the earth and over every living creature within and beneath it. 

Life is about dominion, likewise time. When your time comes your dominion comes. Jesus said that his time has not come, which means, his dominion had not come, when his brother tried to persuade him to show himself to the Jews. But later he actually went to the feast, and on the last day of the feast he cried that if any man thirst let him come, and drink from the water of life (John 7:37). 

When your time comes people would be thristy for you. Thirst is a state of desperation, not hunger. One can be hungry but not desperate. But one can't be thirsty and not desperate. When one is desperate he or she is driven by an inner desire. He pours his heart or life for that which he desires.


When its your time you don't need to be desperate to show yourself to the world, but the world would be desperate to see your glory.


Everyone Of Us Is Born To Reign 

Every man is born to reign; no one is born to be a slave. In the begining after God made man He mandated man to have dominion. As of today that mandate is still on. 

The only reason you're not reigning can be that your time hasn't come, or you are yet to discover who you truly are. 


Life Has Three Stages

1. Discovery
2.Development, and

1. Discovery.


This is actually the first stage of a mans life. Jesus at the age of 0 to 12 discovered who he was. You are born with a purpose, or, I should say, you are born for a purpose. 

A certain author once said that when you don't know the purpose of a thing abuse is inevitable. So many young people are abusing their life. Drinking to stupor, taking hard drugs, and sexual promiscousity is rampant among many young people. The funny part of it is that those things are self destruction, or causes self death. I have found out that majority of the death today are sucides. Drug abuse is suicide.


Discover the talent in you. Discovery means to uncover an hidden treasure or truth about your life. That's why Paul said we have this treasure in earthen vessel (2 Corinthians 4:7).  

Discovery is to unearth the treasures or truth about your life. Don't always see your life as hopeless, useless or meaningless. Rather pray, if you can fast , fast and read the word of God in order to find out the treasures or truth about what God created to be. You seek to find  (Matthew 7:7). 


2. Development.


This is the second, but critical stage of life. Jesus developed his calling from age 12 to age 30. It is the stage of building your faith, calling, talent and career. It is the stage of learning and discipline. No great man is great overnight. Greatness takes great foundation. And according to Paul foundation can be a work you lay for others to follow (1 Corinthians 3:10-12)

Every work we do on earth in one way or the other will affect us or people around in the long run.

 Try to develop your career, calling or talent by following the right people- right people equals right foundation (also doing the right thing also equals right foundation). 

So many people are building on a wrong foundation, since they follow the wrong group. At the stage when Jesus was developing his calling he did three things:

 a. He was with the teachers of the law, in order to ask important questions of life, and also to learn.

b. He seek God not the crowd.
c. He strived to be himself and not to be like someone else.


3. Fulfilment.

This is stage of life when one is fulfilling his calling or destiny on earth. It is the time of ones reign or dominion. Jesus at the age of 30 began to reign. . 


Two Different Aspects Of Our Time

1. Time to be with men. 

We focus on being with people, either physically or virtually. For a fact man is a social being and therefore loves companionship, and that was the reason God said that it is not good for man to be alone. If God hadn't created the woman there could have be only Adam in this world. God quite understands our need for companionship but that shouldnt take a whole lot of our being. Man is also a spiritual being. In fact man is first a spiritual being before a social person. 



2. Time to be with God. 

The time to be with God is the time to seek Him. In Matthew chapter 5 verse 1 Jesus went up to the mountain first to spend time with God before coming down to spend time with the crowd. But a lot of us wants to spend time with the crowd first and then forget God. Our problem in this world is that we forget about God. Maybe that's why the Psalmist said Blessed the Lord oh my soul and forget not His benefits (Psalm 103:2). We live our home daily without spending time with God, and when we return its the same thing.  Make a decision to have a time daily with God by prayers and bible study. 


What Happens WhenYou Dont Have Time For God

1. The Spirit of Fear. 

When you don't have time for the Lord you will be full of fears. The time you spend with God in praying, studying the word etc. increases the presence of God's Spirit in your life. But when you are always away from Him fears settles in your mind. You become afraid of shadows or happenings around you. 

2. Doubt. 

When you don't spend time with God, doubt would set in. Having doubts in God shows that you're not cleared about the truth. Spending good time with God would enable you to know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. 

3. Stressful Life. 

When you don't have time for God you labour invain, as Peter in Luke chapter 5. He toiled through the night but caught no fish. But when he spent some time with God by listening to preaching of Jesus and by believing in Jesus, he was able to suceed without any stress. All the challenges against you would overwhelm you when you don't spend time with God. Spending time with God enables God to take away your burden, pains and destroy every yoke in your life by the anionting (Isaiah 10:27). 

4. Affliction.

When you don't spend time with God you would be afflicted easily by the the devil and the witches and wizards. Spending time with God is a shield of faith that protects your life.


Thank you for reading my post. God blesses you. 


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