Wednesday, 12 September 2018

How To Know A Good Leader

The World is governed by leaders,  and a good leader is helpful in fostering  growth and development in our society. We need leaders to drive us towards our goal. We need leaders to make the frontier for success, and other  things we need leaders for. But the point is , how can we know that a leader is a good leader?

How To  Know A Good Leader

1. No Greed. This is the first personal quality of a good leader.  He doesn't see his personal gain bigger than the people he leads. He sees the need of the people bigger than his own need. Solomon according to 1 Chronicles 1:8-12 saw the needs of his people as top priority. Greed is the chief cause of poverty in the land.  So a good leader is without the spot and blemish of greed.   

2.  Lawful. He must respect the laws of the people (laws that promotes the wealth and well being of the people). If a leader cannot obey simple instruction, then he is not a good leader but a predator, a wild beast. Obeying laws shows examples of honesty, simplicity, humility and peace, and these are supposed to be the strength of a good leader. Don't patronize law breakers!

3. Hard Working. (We're getting into it gradually!) Hard work defines a leader's pace in delivering solutions. If a leader is slack, it makes his followers to lose hope in him. A good leader must learn how  harness all the potentials available to him. Also Promote good works.  He should be fast in learning,( not slow hearted).  Above all, boldness is the key to hard work.

4. Wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). When a leader lacks wisdom, he lacks vision. A good leader should be able to predict forseeable events in the future and defines a work pattern or  line of action towards it. The bible book of Genesis told us about a man Joseph who could decode the famine that befell the entire world from Pharoah's dream. That wisdom brought a huge opportunity for Egypt as they became the food  basket of the world during the Seven years of famine. Good leaders must have wisdom.

5. Grace. (This is the last  i can put down.) Grace is important in delivering your vision to the people. Your word need that sound that can compel  even your opponent to believe in your ability. A lot of leaders are total failure in this. Their speech are either lifeless or, confusing, and sometimes echoing failure and incompetence. This should not be grammar, but a gift-  as someone destined to lead the people to the promised land.

You need to observe these qualities to know a good leader. "Many are called but few are chosen."  Thank you and have a great day!

This article was written by Jeremiah Ogedegbe, tweets

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