Sunday 1 September 2024

The Power To Make Wealth- Thy Word

September 01, 2024

Peter was an experienced fisherman, but struggled to catch much fish. Wealth is not by smartness, strength, or intelligence. The power to get wealth is a key that opens the door of wealth into a man's life. 

When the door is closed no matter how hard you work or how intelligent you are, nothing would work. But at thy word, the door opened for Peter supernaturally. That was the first open door Peter experienced. Peter also experienced another open door while he was in prison. The first open door is a Business open door, while the second is Prison open door.  From there Peter started experiencing more business breakthrough or open doors as seen in the book of John 21 where he still caught many fishes after Jesus appeared to them after his resurrection.

Thy Word is key. God's will must be established not your skill. In the Lord's prayer Jesus said: 'Thy will be done in earth', that is to tell us that there are a lot of treasure (wealth), stored in the earth that only by the will of God can be unearth.  Only the will of God can reveal the truth in the earth. The will of man and the skill of man can't. 

Wealth Is A Key

If you have the key to the store house you have access to the store house. In this world, leadership puts one in the position of power. The government controls money. The king controls land. God controls the universe. 

The key God uses in controlling the universe is the Word. John chapter 1:1 says 'In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.' (John 1:1). 

The Word Was God

The Word was God is the life of the Word (the Word was made flesh). God is 100% committed in fulfilling His word- That is the Word was God. 

The Word was God describes God's commitment in fulfilling his word. 

Will, Wisdom Before Strength

Riches is doing the right thing with your time and resources. It is a product of Will, Wisdom and strength. Peter applied strength and wisdom but failed to apply Thy Will. Then he toiled throughout the night and caught nothing. God's will brings result.

Without the will of God, nothing good would come forth. God is good. 

Some Money In The Mouth Of The Fish

“But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.” (Matthew 17:27)

Jesus told some of his disciples to go and cast their hook in the lake and open the mouth of the first fish caught to find money. What lesson should we draw from it? Money in the mouth of the fish is a mystery of recovering from debt or death. Jonah was swallowed by the fish symbolic for death. The fish swallowing money is symbolic for debt. Your money is released from the mouth of every evil fish in Jesus' name.

God gives is the power to get wealth, which is the word. God is committed to His word. 


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Zion- The Spiritual Iron Dome

June 04, 2024

But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly. (Hebrew 12:22).

Zion was first stated in  2 Samuel 5:7, and was referenced by king David in Psalms 53:6 to describe a strong city heavily protected and secured by God and His people. And the fact is, Jerusalem is Zion- The capital of God on earth. 

Today, Israel has an iron dome built to resist missile attacks all round. That's the Jewish Zion. Spiritually we have an iron dome built for our salvation. That iron dome is Jesus the rock of ages. Obadiah 17 says "But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions."

In the realm of the spirit arrows and missiles are launched by demons, witches and wizards, but the bible makes us to understand that arrows that fly by night and day shall not come near your dwelling.  

Witchcraft is increasing by the day- We are spiritually surrounded by enemies just the way Israel is surrounded by enemies. But in Zion we are safe. 

Our spiritual iron dome is the name of the Lord. "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."

Prayers Of Protection By David

1. Oh Lord hide me under your pavilion (Psalms 27:5).

2. Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings (Psalms 17:8).

3. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 61:2).


Friday 29 March 2024

The Mysteries Of Godliness

March 29, 2024

Let's see what godliness means. From my perspective, godliness it is God mindedness, God consciousness or heaven mindedness. Godliness is seeing yourself as a model of God here on earth. Jesus said "Ye are gods ye children of the most high" (John 10 : 34). 

We know that there is only one God- The Most High. But the children of God are gods. 

Jesus asked his disciples a godly question: who do men think I am? (Matthew 16:13-20). Some of them said he is Elijah, others said he is Jeremiah, another said he is John the Baptist. 

But Peter led by the Spirit said that Jesus is the son of the Most High

Godly people are the children of God; worldly people are the children of the devil. By the fruit of the Spirit we know the godly, while by the works of the flesh we can know the worldly ones. 

The Mysteries Of Godliness

This describes the logic of how we become born again. Jesus said to Nicodemus that except one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. 

And that one must be born of the water and of the Spirit (John 3). Mystery is a word that speaks of a spiritual logic or prophecy which cannot be understood naturally. We are born again through baptism. Water baptism and most especially Holy Spirit baptism. 

Water baptism is to prepare us for the coming of the kingdom and the first rising of the dead. While Holy Spirit baptism is to empower us to be sons and daughters of God. 

Godliness Is A Seal

Godliness is a seal of sonship. The authority of angels and the authority of man on earth is being passed unto you. It's a name given to you by God. 

Psalm 1:1-4

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 

But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away."

According to David, godliness is the path of righteousness. When you follow this path you would have life at the end of the tunnel. The whole world lies in darkness (iniquity). 

The thoughts of men are becoming wicked- deceiving people with fake love. 

Ungodly people are betrayals. They are lovers of themselves and enemies of the cross of Christ. 

Those who don't have the genuine love which is the love of God are enemies of the cross of Christ.

When you follow the cross, which reflects the love of  Christ, you would find life and peace which is the end of godliness. 

Living A Godly Life

1. To live a godly life is to be obedient to God.  

2. It's to be humble and gentle in heart.

3. It's to avoid wrong company.

4. It's to delight in God's law or the word of God.

5. It's to lean not on your understanding, but to trust in God.

6. It's to walk in the Spirit.

How To Get Rid Of The Habit Of Sin

Sin is the power of rebellion against God.  Before the law, sin was already ruling man. Paul refers to sin as the spirit of the world (1 Corinthians 2:12). 

Sin is like obscuring someone from light. Sin brings shame and reproach. Sin brings darkness. The devil is the father of sin. 'Men love sin' it's because men love ignorance. 

To get rid of sinful habit be godly. Draw near to God and He would draw near to us. But sinful habits would make us to move away from God. God doesn't run from us, it is we that run away from him because of sin.

Sinful habits are common traps of lust we fall into due to our wrong ideology or weakness (emotion). You need deal with your poor ideology about life and you must also deal with your emotion. If Satan can't enter you through false belief or doctrines, he would enter you through friendship with devilish people. 

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Do you really believe that marriages are made in heaven?

March 06, 2024
Marriages in heaven

Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman blessed by God for the purpose of love, and family. The purpose of marriage is not sex, but love and family. Family is important to God. God visited Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden as family to fellowship with them (Genesis 3). 

Family is that fellowship between God, man and his wife. God also visited Abraham and his wife Sarah as a family (Genesis 18). In family He reveals himself perfectly to us. Family is what is important to God when we look at marriage. Love is another virtue of marriage. Jesus is the custodian of love. LOVE according to John 3:16 is God giving his Son, that's sacrifice. God gave the Word to the world. In a family God expect the man to be the custodian of love. The man should be the lover while the woman should submit to him in accordance to the will of God. 

There is no story in the bible where people get married in heaven. Jesus only gave us the parable of the ten virgins to describe his marriage with the church (the bride). Sincerely, no one marries in Heaven. The Sadducee, I call them Sad to see tried Jesus with a question about the resurrection (Matthew 22). However, Jesus replied them that no one marries in Heaven, rather they all would become angels of God. No marriage in heaven as we do on earth.

God Choosing a Wife or Husband For You

As for the point of God choosing a wife or husband for you, God's will should be our desire and purpose on earth. God chooses the person that compliments you spiritually, therefore what God has joined together let no man put asunder. A lot of people marry outside the will of God including some pastors and today their marriages are hell or have crumbled. God knows the heart of everybody. We are blind in that aspect, so we are not capable to know the perfect man or woman for us. Marrying anything is dangerous!

A good wife or husband can come from the will of God, that's Heaven. Several scriptures in the old testaments pointed many a time when the Lord warned the Israelite against marrying certain women and men. Getting married to them would corrupt them and their seed (children). These men are women are from idolatry background, and knew not the way of the Lord. The Moabite women are seductresses whose intention were to defile the men of Israel. If you choose a wife without God's will you might end up with a Jezebel. 

Do You Really Believe That Marriages Are Made in Heaven?

Marriages are ordained by Heaven, but Heaven doesn't make marriages as in conduct weddings. 


Tuesday 5 March 2024

Are Angels The Same As Saints?

March 05, 2024

Angels according to the book of Hebrew 1:14 are ministering spirit assigned to help those who are heirs of salvation. Meanwhile, the saints are the holy prophets and apostles that prepared the way of salvation for us. The saint also can represent the godly people who are without the guilt of sin. 

Saint is a human position not a celestial office. Angel is a celestial being primarily meant to be in heaven, but the fall of Satan brought down some angels who are now demons. Angels were created spirits, according to Paul the apostle, they are ministering spirits. They are not made from the dust. They are of heaven and they are made of light. They are the stars of heaven. On the other hand, saints are earthly being, made to worship God on earth but sin brought death upon man and him would become like the angels when he dies.

Saint dies but angels don't die because they are spirits. Saints represents the church in heaven, angels represents God as in the case of the angel that came to meet Daniel in Daniel chapter 10. Also in Genesis chapter 18 and 19 angels came to meet Abraham and Lot.  In Luke 1:26-38, Angel Gabriel came to minister to Mary. 

Angels are the host or armies of Heaven, while saints are armies of salvation here on earth: they fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12). According to Jesus in Matthew 13:39, the angels are the laborers of the harvest. They reap the harvest while the saints are the sower. Paul said "I plant and Apollos water." (1 Corinthians 3:6). The angels draws men to salvation. They converts people to Christ. The saints only sow.

The cherubim and Seraphim represent the glory of the Lord, both angels had six wings and stand at the right and left side of throne of  God. While the saints represents the glory of the church. Moses and Elijah are the two olive trees that stand at the right and at the left of Christ. They appeared to Jesus at the mount of transfiguration. 

"After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus." (Matthew 17:1-3).

Angels have wings, saints don't have. The saints spiritually are olive trees and the lampstands (Revelation 12:4), but the angels are the reapers and the 7 stars. 

"The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels." (Matthew 13:39). 

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Finding Your Key In Dream

February 27, 2024

Key physically represents a personal tool to open and close a door. Logically, a key is a code to access, or log into a file or database. 

Spiritually it speaks of right. Rights are privileges due to someone because of his or her background or position. Finding your key in dream might mean loosing your right, position or power. It means you're under strange influence and powers. Strange forces have taken control over an aspect of your life. 

Also finding your key shows your life is vulnerable to attack, since your key is for security. Your secret information is vulnerable, hence the dreamer needs to be security conscious.  If you were able to find your key in dream, then you have regained your freedom or right from the enemy.

Why Do People Dream About Loosing Their Key?

1. They are Vulnerable.

Our subconscious mind tends to warn us of vulnerability. Maybe we are too open to people (who knows some might have bad intention towards us). We need to watch for our loopholes and ensure we secure ourselves properly. 

2. An Enemy is Close. 

The reason for such dream might be that a fraudster, thief, or an intruder is close to you. Our subconscious mind is sensitive, hence detect things that are around that we are not aware to us.

3. Insecure Feeling.

If you're an insecure person, this can trigger such dream. Insecure people are always suspicious of everyone around them. They compete with everyone; even those suppose to complement. With this dream their subconscious mind is reflecting their feelings or behavior.

4. Demonic Manipulation.

Recurring dreams about loosing your key can be a result of  demonic manipulation. It means whenever you got an opportunity you loose it for no obvious reason. It is a situation of being stranded in life. This dream can be a mystery for demons to steal from you. 

5. Abusive Relationship.

Loosing your key in dream can also be a result of  an abusive relationship: a relationship that takes away your right or freedom, and keep you in bondage. Hence your subconscious mind might be reflecting on your relationship with such dream.

Someone Gave Me A Key In Dream

This connote the following:

1. If you are a lady in search of a life partner, then it means having a husband. It is the right or mandate from God for every woman to find her life partner.

2. If you are a student it means getting an admission, or passing an exam. 

3. If you are a business person, it means success in business- open doors (favor).

4. If you are looking for an apartment or house to live in, it means getting one.

5. If your father gave you key in dream, it means wealth. That's the Abrahamic blessing (the blessing of Father).

6. If your mother gave you key in dream, it means finding a wife.

7. If your wife gave you key in dream, it suggests a divorce ahead.

Monday 26 February 2024

Satan Wanted Jesus To Commit Suicide

February 26, 2024

Jesus was tempted by the devil on every aspect. The cross is a symbol of  the sin of mankind. Jesus didn't sin, his accusation was as a result of being the redeemer or savior of the world. 

Suicide is not only about physically taking your own life, but also praying for God to take your life.  The prophet Jonah did that. Also the great prophet Elijah did same too when he was faced with persecution from Jezebel. Samson prayed himself to death. God hates suicide even though he granted the wish of  Samson.

 Judas Iscariot who represented the devil wished Jesus to commit suicide either physically or spiritually (praying for God to take his life). At the end he was humiliated: Judas committed suicide. 

Sometimes when we get frustrated with life we resort into praying God to take our life as a way to have peace. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The devil knows that if you persist you would prevail, so he sows the seed of death in your mind.

The bible in Proverbs 18:21 says, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."  No matter how frustrated you are, your tongue should be guided properly. Satan is after the Word and your word. 

How Satan Tried To Make Jesus Commit Suicide

1. Betrayal.

Betrayal is working against someone you suppose to work for. The betrayal Judas heart was poisoned with filthy lucre. He helped the enemies against his master. 

Being betrayed can make one to hate life, and to take his life.  

2. Denial.

Peter denied Jesus thrice. Denial suggests not identifying or allowing a person because of fear, trust or shame. Denial can weigh one down in life. It looks as if you are worthless when you're being denied. this can lead to suicidal thoughts. A lot of people have being denied their right and then some resort to suicide as a solution to their pain.  

3. Suffering.

Suffering can make one to conclude on ending his life. If one lacks endurance, he might give up on himself and resort to suicide as solution to his suffering. There are bad times and there are good times in life. Jesus endured the humiliating period. 

How Jesus Overcome Suicide

1. Predictions. 

Jesus always know the outcome of things and circumstances surrounding him. He knew all his disciples, and detected Judas as a devil incarnate. He also predicted Peter's denial which was as a result of Peter's fear. 

2. He Watched and Prayed.

Jesus watched and prayed in order to guard himself against the device of the devil in manipulating the wisdom or word of God. Satan can manipulate the wisdom of God and confuse us about the will of God. He said to Jesus according to Matthew 4:6  "  'If you are the Son of God,' he said, 'throw yourself down. For it is written: He will command his angels concerning you and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone' ".

3. He Believed in Himself.

Job said there is hope for tree as far it still has root (Job 14:7). Jesus believed in himself and refused to give up.